Assessing and monitoring marine litter


The role of marine debris as a vector, dispersal agent, and substrate for non-indigenous species on Oceanic Islands (Northeast Atlantic)

Responsible Partner: ARDITI-MARE

Date: March 2025

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Description: This study underscores the urgent need for standardized monitoring, stakeholder engagement, and proactive marine debris (MD) management strategies to mitigate non-indigenous species (NIS) introductions and protect sensitive marine ecosystems like Macaronesia from the ecological risks of biological invasions.

Assessment of seabed litter at Concepción Seamount (Canary island) using a remotely operated towed vehicle

Responsible Partner: IEO

Date: February 2024

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Description: The study presents the first comprehensive assessment of marine litter pollution at the Concepción seamount, providing baseline information to improve the management of this major threat to the ocean. The use of a remotely operated towed vehicle equipped with a camera is showed as a powerful tool to monitor marine litter and their interaction with biota. Most seafloor litter identified comes from fishing activities and mainly consists of lost fishing lines. This study provides strong evidences of the presence of litter in the seamount, which can be useful for effective management of the valued ecosystem of the Concepción seamount.