Work packages
Work package 1. Prevention by improving waste management and recycling
WP1 aims to improve waste management and recycling in Atlantic ports and coastal cities with a specific focus on fisheries related waste, as it accounts for a significant proportion of marine litter.
The activities in this work package will address End-of-Life Fishing Gears (EOLFG), Waste Incidentally Fished (WIF) and Abandoned, Lost or Otherwise Discarded Fishing Gear (ALDFG). Moreover, a socio economic study will explore how to encourage the reduction of marine litter and recycling of marine plastics by investigating the intentions of having “environmentally responsible” behaviour and the economic consequences of marine litter on the Atlantic coast.

Main activities:
Analysis of relevant aspects for SUP and PRF implementation and current practices for waste management in ports.
Management/Recycling of End-of-Life Fishing Gears.
Management of Waste Incidentally Fished.
Socioeconomic analysis.